Rose Garden Bouquet Bath Ball

Rose Garden Bouquet Bath Ball

Price: $0.00

Product Description

One of the first novelty shaped soap-on-a-rope (they were called 'bath balls') from Kerk Guild Inc, 345 Fifth Ave, New York. This intricate rose soap has instructions on the box advising users to; 'hang it around your neck in the shower, bath or tub for safe, convenient modern bathing. This soap can be kept among dainty personal garments as a fragrant sache until used.
One of the first novelty shaped soap-on-a-rope (they were called 'bath balls') from Kerk Guild Inc, 345 Fifth Ave, New York. This intricate rose soap has instructions on the box advising users to; 'hang it around your neck in the shower, bath or tub for safe, convenient modern bathing. This soap can be kept among dainty personal garments as a fragrant sache until used.

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